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Duluth BASS Club, Duluth Minnesota Bassmasters, BASS Fed Nation Club  

Official BASS club - BASS logo - Duluth Minnesota Bassmasters ClubThe Dultuh BASS Club is
an offical B.A.S.S. (Bassmasters)  Club in North East Minnesota.

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2016 Events
2016 Duluth BASS Club Events - Weekend Series

DULUTH BASS CLUB - Weekend Series Events.  Best 4 of 6 events.  All events are 8:00am to 4:00pm.

May 28, Island Lake, Duluth, dam ramp

June 18, Woman Lake, Hackensack

July 9, Blue Lake, Nashwauk

July 23-24, Lake Vermilion, Mocassin Point ramp

Aug 20, Pokegama Lake, Grand Rapids

Aug 21, Trout Lake, Coleraine


*Minnesota BASS Nation Tournament of Champs (TOC) - Sept. 8-9 - Lake Minnetonka, Minneapolis

Off Limits dates - Aug 20-Sept 2


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Skin design and build by rhoek.com
2016 Duluth BASS Club Events - Evening Series

DULUTH BASS CLUB - Evening Series Events.

This year we will be drawing the lake the Sunday before.  NO PREFISH for anyone from the drawing until the event Thursday.  You can fish any place up to the draw, after the lake is known, you cannot be on it or get information from anyone else that fishes it during the off limits, until the event. 

Here are the dates:

May 26 - Team

June 16 - Team

July 7 - Team

July 28 - Team

August 18 - Team

These events would be mixed between team and big fish only events.

BIG FISH - 1 big fish per person can be weighed in.  More than 2 can be in the boat.  Use cull tags to keep fish identified. 

TEAM - 2 person teams, 5 fish bag, 12 inch min. (14 inches on the St. Louis River).

LAKE LIST that Lakes can be drawn from: 

Fish Lake, Grand Lake, Island Lake Cromwell, Island Lake Duluth, Island Lake (Moose Lake), Sturgeon Lake, Sand Lake, Bear Lake, Nichols Lake, Caribou Lake, Big Lake, Chub Lake, St. Louis River Duluth, St. Louis River Cloquet, Rice Lake, and Oak Lake.

Possible Chequamegon Bay big fish event on a Saturday. 


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Join BASS now.

Now you can JOIN our 

Just contact Doug by Email, call: 218-390-9973 or online at http://www.multispecies.com/ and post in our Duluth BASS Club Forum.

We are all proud members of:

Minnesota BASS Federation Nation - www.mnbfn.org

BassMaster - national membership with BassMasters magazine - to JOIN click here.


JOIN and get all the great benefits and discounts.  


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Skin design and build by rhoek.com
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