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Duluth BASS Club, Duluth Minnesota Bassmasters, BASS Fed Nation Club  

Official BASS club - BASS logo - Duluth Minnesota Bassmasters ClubThe Dultuh BASS Club is
an offical B.A.S.S. (Bassmasters)  Club in North East Minnesota.

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2016 STANDINGS - 2012 Duluth Bass Club B.A.S.S. Standings
Weekend Series B.A.S.S. Standings

Duluth BASS Club - Weekend Series - OVERALL B.A.S.S. 2012  

Rank Best WS Pts LOW Big Bass Total Wgt Angler Name
1 1125 0 5.1 88.9 Bob Hell
1 1125 0 5.1 88.9 Andy Swenson
3 1120 145 3.6 95.5 Douglas Pirila
3 1120 145 3.6 95.5 Matt Amos
5 1090 160 3.75 90.55 Jason Wefel
6 1050 160 3.75 80.15 Jeff Wefel
7 940 0 4.7 73 Sharaku Kishida
8 875 0 3.8 57.15 Samuel Carlson
8 875 0 3.8 57.15 Jesse Powell
10 820 0 3.2 23.05 Adam Marthaler
11 705 0 4.15 55.05 Robbie Storrar
12 525 0 3.85 29.3 Steve Johnson
13 350 0 3.65 28.45 Brad Bergslien
14 310 0 3 18.7 Lee Dueland
15 0 0 0 0 Frank Bartsch
15 0 0 0 0 Nancy Solem-Reisinger

2012 Final Standings. 

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Skin design and build by rhoek.com
Evening Series B.A.S.S. Standings

Duluth BASS Club -
Evening Series

OVERALL B.A.S.S. Standings 2012

Rank Best ES Pts LOW Big Bass Total Wgt Angler Name
1 995 185 4.55 62.75 Douglas Pirila
1 995 185 4.55 62.75 Matt Amos
3 940 180 3.95 45.85 Roger Olson
4 780 0 4.1 39.6 Sharaku Kishida
5 565 0 4.1 29.3 Steve Johnson
6 540 0 2.85 15.55 Robbie Storrar
7 185 0 3.2 12.9 Lee Dueland
8 175 0 2 8.7 Bob Hell

After Grand Lake, Duluth, MN event.


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Skin design and build by rhoek.com
Combined Duluth Bass - B.A.S.S. Standings

ALL Duluth Bass Club - ALL B.A.S.S. EVENTS

Rank Total Pos Pts Total Wgt Big Bass Angler Name
1 2445 158.25 4.55 Douglas Pirila
1 2445 158.25 4.55 Matt Amos
3 1720 112.6 4.7 Sharaku Kishida
4 1300 97.6 5.1 Bob Hell
5 1250 90.55 3.75 Jason Wefel
6 1245 70.6 4.15 Robbie Storrar
7 1210 80.15 3.75 Jeff Wefel
8 1125 88.9 5.1 Andy Swenson
9 1120 45.85 3.95 Roger Olson
10 1090 58.6 4.1 Steve Johnson
11 875 57.15 3.8 Jesse Powell
11 875 57.15 3.8 Samuel Carlson
13 820 23.05 3.2 Adam Marthaler
14 495 31.6 3.2 Lee Dueland
15 350 28.45 3.65 Brad Bergslien
16 0 0 0 Nancy Solem-Reisinger
16 0 0 0 Frank Bartsch
After Pokegama/Cross Lake, Pine City, MN event.


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Skin design and build by rhoek.com
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